Monday, June 15, 2009

Towards greener pastures and beyond.

One year ago, 7 souls undertook a challenge.

The challenge was pretty straightforward, yet not exactly what it seemed to be.

To become one with the brotherhood of the open air and service,
To become guardians of the movement,
To learn, lead and excel.

We came from various walks of life.
We came from various avenues of history.

But we placed it all aside for one common vision.
To uphold, and improve the Beaver scout movement.

Inch by inch we have moved forward,
And with determination we have proved naysayers and detractors wrong.

So here's a toast to whatever we have achieved,
Not based on material gain.

But of the memories,
And the disputes, and the obstacles we have all overcome.

And here's looking to amazing days ahead,
Because we know we can :D

P.S to those embarking on the overseas trip for your SWA.

Here's wishing you good luck and god speed on behalf of the rover unit.

Signing off,
Vanga "Shadow" Ganasan

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Isa, Ashok, Parry and me will be heading off to Setiu Terrenganu in 9 more days with other 5 Rovers! We will be contributing to the conservation of sea turtles, mangrove replanting,
repair work for the villagers and giving assistance in the local women's cottage industry etc..

Visit our Project Orion's blog!

Signed off,
May Lwin

Saturday, April 18, 2009

4th Scouts of the World Discovery Workshop

From the period from 10-12 April 2009, fellow Rover Scouts Mohd Afiq, Ashok Kumar, Mohd Isa, Ong May Lwin, Daniel Soo & myself took part in the 4th Scouts of the World Discovery Workshop organised by the Singapore Scout Association.

Basically, the SW Discovery is kind of an adventure workshop lasting several days, mainly focusing on environment, development or peace.

During the course of this workshop, I felt that everyone who attended really wanted to do their little part in helping to save mother Earth, and are taking a step out of their comfort zone.

It was also through the well-planned field trips to Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research & to Tanjong Rimau, whereby I got the chance to view the some of the well- preserved artifacts in the museum. And from the intertidal walk at Tanjong Rimau, which was conducted at 4am in the morning, I managed to witness some of our local shores beautiful underworld.

We were also tasked to come up with our very our proposal, consisting of about 2-3 people per group, to actually brainstorm for realistic projects which we can work on. It was during this period of the workshop, when almost all the participants were cracking their heads & working through the night on coming up with the "perfect proposal".

But even though of the lack of sleep, I felt that it was for a good cause, and still enjoyed the rest of the workshop, with the strong energy level from everyone, and definitely the inside jokes that we cracked along the way!

Having learnt the many different kinds of skill from this workshop, I would hope to be able to put them to good use. Nonetheless, I also made quite a number of good fellow brother & sister Rovers, and I strongly hope that more people will go for this SWA Discovery Workshop.

To sum it up, I felt that this workshop was the workshop of the millenium, and that it was well organised with all the hands-on activities and interaction between the fellow participants and the facilitators.

Written By - Rover Scout Parry Lim

Monday, April 13, 2009

Scout of the World Discovery

Scout of the World Discovery [10 April - 12 April]

Project/ Team Discussion

Day 1 - Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research

Day 2 - Tanjong Rimau

June and July; our eco tour for the day
at 5am in the morning.

litters and junks left behind by visitors

Day 3 - Team Project Presentation

Pizza feast!

Signed off, May Lwin

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

It was Singapore’s First. And Singapore showed the world how to start the year with this event. Morre than 4,000 cities joined Earth Hour 2009 more than last year’s number. Earth Hour is an event organized by World Wide Fund for Nature. It is held on the last Saturday of March every year. We only need to off non-essentials lights and other electrical appliances for an hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Many cities adopted this event on 2008 after Sydney took the lead. The lights are turn off from 8:30pm to 9:30pm local time. The response were overwhelming and we can see many younger generation are stepping up for this earth awareness. We will soon see more of this in the future when our younger generation starts to lead.

Before 28th March 2009 , volunteers of different age help in organizing events and in selling of items at booth. Some of scouts even take up some of their weekend to help out for this event. It was like any other family day but with something in mind “To Help Reduce Carbon Emission”.

If there is one thing that the government should be aware of is to make this event islandwide where all the landmarks were to participate including HDBs. With this, it will become a practice of turn off appliances or switches that are unnecessary.

The Beatty Rovers would like to thank our brothers Oliver and Sijie from Scouts for their time and their effort that make this possible.


Apple and Jane from WWF for giving us the opportunity to show our support , care and concern for our future.

“For a better world, For a better future”

- Muhd Isa , Beatty Rover